Your breakup doesn’t need to ruin your life, damage your kids or define your future.

In fact, your breakup can be healing, kind, loving and respectful for yourself and all involved.

Most of us would aspire to an amicable ending. Yet we all know that most breakups are incredibly heartbreaking and hostile.

Too often, hurt people hurt people.

Yet it doesn’t have to be this way.

Never before have we had as much self-awareness and emotional intelligence as our generation does. And while we’re clearly capable of behaving in primitive and hurtful ways, millions of us are waking up to discover a more caring and evolved pathway to consciously complete a primary relationship.

Most first heard about Conscious Uncoupling when Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin used the term to announce their divorce.

Yet Conscious Uncoupling is not just for the rich and famous. Nor is it just for uncoupling couples who are graciously able to do the process together.

Conscious Uncoupling is for anyone suffering with a heart that is hurting because of the loss of a love relationship.

So, whether you’re:

  • In the midst of a breakup right now,
  • Still struggling with unresolved pain from a past breakup, or
  • Anticipating a possible breakup and wish to ensure it goes well,

Conscious Uncoupling was created just for you.

Find a Conscious Uncoupling Coach

Give yourself the gift of being guided through the 5-step Conscious Uncoupling process by a certified coach.

Consulting with Katherine

Katherine has been consulting with uncoupling couples and individuals for nearly 30 years. She’s currently open to working with new clients.

Become a Conscious Uncoupling Coach

You can create a meaningful, abundant and fulfilling career as a Certified Conscious Uncoupling Coach in just 6 short months.

Here’s what people say about
Conscious Uncoupling

“When I first found Conscious Uncoupling, I felt a great deal of heartbreak, shame and guilt after the breakdown of my 27-year relationship. The process helped me to honor, accept and heal from the rawness and pain. I was also able to see the cultural and personal patterns that drove my behaviors and decisions and am now liberated to do things differently. As a result of Conscious Uncoupling, I am now feeling whole, powerful and open to new love. I wholeheartedly recommend this process to anyone considering or going through a breakup, separation or divorce.”

Interfaith Minister & Spiritual Counsellor
Burton on Trent, United Kingdom

Conscious Uncoupling gave me a roadmap for how to end my long-term marriage with kindness and respect, and gave me the tools to foster a loving family dynamic without needing to be married to the father of my two young daughters. This way of ending a relationship was completely outside of my frame of reference as my former husband’s parents had been married since they were teenagers, and my own parents had created a bitter, painful divorce when I was in my teens. The peaceful ending of my marriage allowed my former husband and I to re-create a healthy relationship as friends and co-parents that is far better for both of us and for our children. I am so very grateful to Katherine Woodward Thomas.”

Writer, Certified Coach, Activist
Beaverton, Oregon

This photo was taken just after our Conscious Uncoupling Ceremony in November 2018

“The breakup of my 25-year relationship was soul crushing, particularly because I had two small children and had met my former husband at the age of 14. I’d never lived life as an adult outside of that relationship. I was determined to use all of the grief, sadness, anger, and fear I felt to grow in ways I’d never had the opportunity to do before. Conscious Uncoupling gave me a way to walk through our separation with grace and dignity, and use the pain I was in to change my life for the better. It served as a practical spiritual guide which aligned with my own deeply held spiritual beliefs. My goal at the outset was to maintain a sense of family unity during and after our divorce, and Conscious Uncoupling allowed us to do this. I’m now free from bitterness, rebuilding my life and learning about the powerful, creative, worthy woman that I am. “

Certified Coach
San Diego, CA

“Heartfelt praise and thanks to Katherine for this program. She offers a wealth of knowledge about the nature of partnerships and how our life patterns impact our relationships with others.  The step-by-step Conscious Uncoupling process provides an open, confidential and sacred space to nurture healing and growth, both for yourself as well as with your current or ex-partner. I am grateful to say that as a result of doing this process, my partner and I were able to reconcile. We now have a more blessed, enriched and loving relationship because of Conscious Uncoupling! I highly recommend this program!”

Technology Marketing Manager
Boynton Beach, Florida

“With all of the darkness you may be walking through, it’s good to remember that where there is no light, you have the choice to become it.”

~ Katherine Woodward Thomas

©2024 Katherine Woodward Thomas